I’ve been running across a few new photos and some documentation around Data Terminal Systems cash registers lately. I’ll be reaching out to a source to make sure they’re good with me reposting the information here. In the meanwhile, here’s a photo of a Data Terminal Systems Model 319 electronic cash register. I found the photo on Linked In.
I remember this exact configuration of DTS equipment at a local grocery store back in the day. I also remember a variation in use at the Carls Drugs drugstore chain in Upstate New York. Those registers were in use right up until the chain was sold to Fay’s Drugs (and Fay’s put in their DTS Series 400 registers). AMT TEND in the upper left hand corner is a vivid memory, also I believe the display would fill with leading zeroes when the sub total is displayed (1.09 would be represented as 0001.09).